Pulse July 2018 | Page 44

tHE EducatioN coNNEctioN c o N t i N u E d f r o M Pa g E 4 0
PErsoNal dEvEloPMENt
Why motivation is not the key to success
“ There are many external motivations in the world , but your personal ‘ why ’ is what can inspire and fuel you from the inside out — and for the long haul .”
speaker : kimberly spreen-Glick this session Will connect you With … The ability to find an alignment between your vision and the strategies you need to make it happen . Many people focus on strategy and while this is important , your success is based a great deal on how aligned you are with your vision and what your “ bandwidth ” is to make that vision become a reality .
session description : Have you ever heard how critical it is to be motivated to achieve your goals ? Maybe you ’ ve found yourself on an endless journey of looking for that motivation to ensure your success . Join this discussion to learn the tools you have available that are so much more powerful than motivation . When tapped into properly , you ’ ll find you ’ ll never actually need to be “ motivated ” again to reach your highest level of success and fulfillment !
top 3 takeaways you Won ’ t go Home Without : 1 . What motivation really is and where it comes from . 2 . Something that is more powerful than motivation and how you can shift your perspective to align with it . 3 . A practice you can implement into your daily life that will result in more success and fulfillment .
design your Legacy
“ Attendees will gain a new and improved perspective on how they truly want to show up in life !”
speaker : Leigh Weinraub this session Will connect you With … Insight into at the relationship you have with yourself and will highlight patterns that hold you back . Ask any sustainably successful entrepreneur or leader , about the key to business success and they will universally tell you about the quality of relationships . One ’ s ability to connect authentically with people is the greatest asset you have . The ability to develop and nurture positive relationships with real people , not just through a screen , is the most significant solution to nearly all the challenges we face . However , this is a rare skill to come by and a difficult one to hone . To show up at our best , we must look within . If your success in life is contingent upon your ability to connect , it is a necessity for you to sharpen your most authentic , present and genuine skill set .
session description : You have one body , one mind , and one precious chance to design your legacy . In this presentation , Leigh will facilitate a playful , artistic and truthful look within . Attendees will meaningfully connect , exercise empathy , share stories and expand perspectives as they design a personalized art project . Just as a bicep needs to be flexed for improved strength , our creativity and courage muscles require dedicated exercise to live our fullest life .
top 3 takeaways you Won ’ t go Home Without : 1 . How to reflect within and ignite creativity . 2 . Discover obstacles that get in your way and the motivation for hardcore change . 3 . Improved self-care , which contagiously creates better humans , better families , better workplaces and ultimately a better world .
42 PULSE ■ July 2018