Pulse June 2018 | Page 37

How can those employees optimize their days for peak performance? dP: The first step is simply to be aware. But after that, try working the margins. Even if you can’t control the big things, you might still be able to shape the little things. If you’re a lark or third bird and happen to have a free hour in the morning, don’t fritter it away on email. Spend those 60 minutes doing your most important work. Try managing up, too. Gently tell your boss about when you work best but put it in terms of what’s good for the organization. (“I get the most done on the big project you assigned me during the mornings, so maybe I should attend fewer meetings before noon.”) Finally, take advantage of those times when you do have control over your schedule. On weekends or holidays, craft a schedule that maximizes the synchrony effect. For example, if you’re a lark and you’re writing a novel, get up early, write until 1pm and save your grocery shopping and dry-cleaning pickup for the afternoon. drink water when you wake up to re-hydrate and re-energize. daniel Pink’s tips for a Better Morning WHEn is filled to the brim with tips for hacking your time, improving your decision-making and advice for being all-around more productive. Figuring out what works best for you starts with figuring out what kind of person you are: morning lark, night owl or third bird. Most of us have a pretty good idea of what chronotype we are, but to make sure, you can head to danpink.com/McTQ. once you’ve got it, you can use it to plan your day to your advantage. Even for morning larks, getting up and out of bed every morning can be a difficult task—especially when the comfort of your mattress is too sweet to part with. Here are a few tips from Pink’s WHEN to help every bird like their mornings a bit better: l drink a glass of water when you wake up. After a full night’s sleep, we tend P: Can you explain the James Dean effect and how spas can use endings to their advantage when aiming for customer satisfaction? dP: The James Dean Effect is an idea that emerged from research about how people remember lives. Researchers asked people to evaluate James Dean’s life. He came out of obscurity, became a huge movie star in his early 20s, only to die tragically just shy of his 25th birthday. Then they asked people to imagine Dean had lived 30 years longer continuing to work as an actor— not descending into homelessness or addiction, but never achieving his previous levels of stardom. Amazingly, to wake up dehydrated. chug a glas s of water first thing to recharge your system, rehydrate and help you wake up. l Wait a bit before you pour a cup of coffee. our bodies start making cortisol as soon as we wake up, so we don’t need the caffeine just yet. Wait about an hour to 90 minutes once your cortisol production has peaked so the coffee can actually do its job. l soak up the morning sun. The sun emits light that covers a wide range of the spectrum, which signals your brain to stop producing sleep hormones and start producing alert hormones. l schedule talk-therapy appointments for morning. Research shows that you’re more likely to absorb advice in the morning. So, if you schedule therapy session—or really any meeting where you should be taking constructive advice—in the morning, you’ll be more focused and absorb the information more deeply. June 2018 ■ PULSE 35