Pulse November 2015 | Page 43

ancy, my director of everything, and I were talking about how we could better serve our clients and one another. How can we be more efficient ISPA and effective in the CONFER ENCE SPEAKER office? How can we highlight our strengths and outsource or minimize our weaknesses? Out of the discussion came that one thing we knew we had been looking for—the “perfect world” concept. How do we create each other’s perfect world? Wouldn’t it be nice for our employer/employee relationship if we created a situation in which we both did more of what we loved, outsourced what we didn’t like, made it a point to do everything possible to make sure the other is happy, and stayed focused on living true to our values? What a concept! In fact, that would become each of our job descriptions: to create each other’s perfect world— simple, yet profound. November 2015 ■ PULSE 41