Pulse April 2019 | Page 39

interested in learning more about B corps like alaska glacial mud co.? Log-in to experienceispa.com, then view the article “Going Green yields Multiple Benefits” in the October 2018 issue of Pulse, available as part of the Pulse archives at experienceispa.com/pulse/past-issues. J.W. marriott marco island presented a local food bank with a check for over $120,000. ecosystem, “we all depend on the river for food and clean water,” Padawer added. Very few of the companies contacted for this story said they use their charitable work to market their companies. a few use photos on social media, but mostly to recognize employee participation and celebrate their staff, rather than the spa itself. “usually, i prefer to keep our donations anonymous. my mother always taught me that when you give to others not to announce it with trumpets,” said Palmer. So why do it? Why give away time and money? charitable efforts are good for morale, notes Smith, who makes a point of noting the achievements in company communication. “The staff love it,” she said. “Spas are in the business of taking care of people... it creates a culture of caring and we are a better team because of it.” “i want our people to be the change they wish to see in the world, their alaska glacial mud co. is a B corp that helps protect the copper river. giving hearts and ability to rally as a team provide a base for our culture,” said Testa of Watercolor inn Spa. “Spa communities are such a tight- knit, caring, compassionate, loving group that it is in our very core nature to want to help others. it’s our calling to nurture and help when needed and not a ploy for attention,” said Spa anjali’s Lomax. Padawer said it’s bigger than any single business. “i don’t think giving back should be specific to any industry. i think if all businesses gave back in a way that offset or protected the resources where their products or services come from, the world would be a better place.” n Jan Winter is a freelance writer with more than 20 years of experience writing on a variety of business topics. She is based in LaGrange, Kentucky. APriL ■ PULSE 2019 37