your chairman
of dIrectorS
elected officers
Garrett Mersberger
Kohler co.
vice chairman
Scott Duncan
Spa Gregorie’s
Robert Vance
Sensei retreats Lana’i
in today’s spa industry, it’s not uncommon for team members to jump from one
spa to the next, never staying long in one place. now more than ever, it’s important to
know your teams and know them well.
What makes your employees tick? What
motivates them? how do they like to be
rewarded and recognized? how can you get the
best out of them? Knowing the answers allows
you to deepen their professional engagement in
your spa, which is key to keeping them long-
term. This is a two-way street, too, because
letting them get to know you can be equally
after last year’s iSPa conference & Expo, i
“Everyone learned
something new about
each other, and this
gave us all a better
understanding of how
to work best together.”
was inspired by Sally hogshead’s fascinate
advantage exercise—so inspired, in fact, that i had the operations team members in
Kohler, Wisconsin, take the assessment. We kicked off our 2019 planning meeting by
reviewing everyone’s fascinate advantage report. This exercise was fun in and of itself,
but it also proved useful. Everyone learned something new about each other, and this
gave us all a better understanding of how to work best together.
There are a ton of different assessments like this out in the marketplace! Each one has
its own unique angle, but any of them will help you get to know your team (and vice
versa). Take a few minutes to find one and take it yourself. have your teams complete it
as well, and then start sharing that knowledge and insight. as Sally said, “learn the cues
and signals that you’re intentionally or unintentionally sending to the world, and the pros
Noel Asmar
noel asmar Group, inc.
Jill Carlen
hilton Worldwide
Brennan Evans
Trilogy Spa holdings
Blake Feeney
Living Earth crafts
Patrick Huey
montage hotels & resorts
Kristine Huffman
hutchinson consulting
Kelleye Martin
The Edgewater resort & Spa
Laura Parsons
Frank Pitsikalis
Todd Shaw
Yvonne Smith
La rive Spa at northern Quest
resort & casino
Michelle Adams Somerville
Woodstock inn & resort
Eric Stephenson
Elements massage
Jessica Timberlake
Éminence organic Skin care
and cons of each. find out what you’re already doing right, so you can do more of it.”
you’ll be amazed at what you find and how you can truly start to drive employee
engagement at your spa!
—gArrett merSBerger, chAIrmAn
APriL 2019
ISPA PreSIdent
Lynne NcNees
international SPa association
medIcAl AdvISor
Brent A. Bauer, MD
mayo clinic