Pulse April 2021 | Page 59

DO YOU EVER WONDER how your peers would handle a situation ? Maybe you ’ re curious what other leaders in the spa industry have to say on a certain subject . In Sound Off , we ask ISPA members from differing backgrounds , countries and companies the same question and see how their answers compare .
Winter was a particularly challenging period with regard to the pandemic . How have you kept up the morale of your team in recent months ?

DO YOU EVER WONDER how your peers would handle a situation ? Maybe you ’ re curious what other leaders in the spa industry have to say on a certain subject . In Sound Off , we ask ISPA members from differing backgrounds , countries and companies the same question and see how their answers compare .

Winter was a particularly challenging period with regard to the pandemic . How have you kept up the morale of your team in recent months ?

BETSY ABRAMS Five Wellbeing Studio + Spa
Women ’ s Athletic Club
Founder + Owner
Director of Spa , Fitness
& Wellness
of Chicago
Director of Spa and Wellness
CEO & Chief Formulation Officer
“ In November I treated my
“ For the employees we
“ I led a November Gratitude
“ We have twice weekly
staff to a virtual cooking
close once a day for 30
and Random Act of
leadership development
class . I purchased the
minutes to re-group , clean
Kindness challenges , both
sessions for 60 minutes
ingredients from the
and take a breather
remote and in person . As
each to grow and remain
cooking School for each of
( literally ) before we re-open .
well as a December “ Send
connected since new
my employees , they picked
We celebrated the holidays
some holiday love ” event
business development and
up their ingredients and
with catered lunches , Secret
where colleagues where
account service activity is
then we all met on zoom
Santa and we continued to
colleagues wrote cards of
down . Spending more time
and learned how to cook a
celebrate our employee
gratitude or care to fellow
with front line customer
fabulous dish !”
birthdays . All of these keep
colleagues and were
service representatives ,
the morale moving forward .
hand-delivered over the
checking in , buying lunch
The management team
holiday week with a WEI
to create community and
becomes the cheerleader
chocolate . This included a
connection during the
for the staff to keep them
link with a guided med-
recent period .” n
motivated and safe .”
itation , as well as a virtual
selfie station where colleagues
could take pictures
with their families , friends ,
and holiday traditions .”