Pulse April 2022 | Page 19

Herbal Bath ' s formula contains 93.5 ° / o of rich and smooth skin softening ingredients .

The proven combination of active ingredients including mountain pine , lavender , and rosemary oils , along with urea , helps you manage most of the foot related undesirable skin issues .

The frequent use of the Herbal Bath can reduce even the most persistent and disturbing presence of calluses , weals , and corns . liiGEHWOL

FUSS KRAFT ® Herbal Bath

Softens hard skin . Combats rough and cracked skin , foot perspiration and foot odour .
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After soaking your feet for 10 minutes , you can go straight to filing while bypassing the need for additional callus and skin softener products during your pedicure process .
With the natural strength of rosemary; mountain pine and lavender
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2001 W Main Street , Suite 275 . Stamford , CT 06902 www . gehwolfootcare . com
1 ( 877 ) 373 7899 Tel : 1 ( 203 ) 541 8940
e-m a i I : corporate @ gehwolfootcare . com

ATTHE 2022 ISPA CONFERENCE I MAY 2-4 Mandalay Bay I Las Vegas , Nevada Booth 927