“ No one is perfect , right ? We should all look at ourselves in a more forgiving light . If someone were to look at the worst version of me , they ’ d think , ‘ What a jerk !’” the other as an enemy . There ’ s a sense of community that most of us in this country and in Europe have lost . Not all of it , but a lot of it has been lost .
Another aspect of this is that everyone needs the capacity to talk about their pain . It ’ s interesting — most people have never in their lives been to a therapist unless their world is falling apart . Maybe you ’ re talking about your pain with your community . Maybe you ’ re talking about your pain with your family , and you don ’ t need a therapist , and that ’ s fine . But most of us need to share our pain , and we don ’ t , and then we wonder why we flip out . It ’ s only a matter of time , if for
25 years you ’ ve never told anyone about your pain .
P : During our discussion — and often in your speeches — you ’ ve emphasized the pitfalls of perfectionism . Why is accepting our imperfection such an important step ? L : When I was younger , I would watch these preachers on television , and while they were preaching about these impossible goals , I just got the sense that they were not embodying what they were preaching . It didn ’ t feel right . So , I promised myself that , whenever I became a speaker — which I had wanted to do since I was a kid — I would speak
my truth : There ’ s no perfection ! That ’ s just the way we are as human beings . If we do more good things than bad things , we ’ re winning . •
Aside from traveling , what are your favorite hobbies ? Reading , getting into nature and playing with my dog , a Boston Terrier named Archie . Oh , and ping-pong !
How many countries have you visited in total ? Are there any you haven ’ t been to that are at the top of your list ? I ’ ve been to 100 countries on six continents , but I ’ d love to see Egypt . I ’ ve always wanted to go to the pyramids .
What ’ s your favorite recent read ? The Motivation Manifesto : 9 Declarations to Claim Your Personal Power . If you ’ re feeling unmotivated , read it !
APRIL 2022 • PULSE 21