Pulse April 2022 | Page 26

“… what ’ s been revealed , as evidenced by the Great Resignation , is that deep down , there have been a lot of leaders who genuinely don ’ t value the people who they are fortunate to lead .”

SPEAKER Spotlight


“… what ’ s been revealed , as evidenced by the Great Resignation , is that deep down , there have been a lot of leaders who genuinely don ’ t value the people who they are fortunate to lead .”

cesses in place that are scheduled , that are regular , so you ’ re not just depending on making time . That process might be a daily , five-minute stand-up meeting or recognizing someone weekly for a job well done in a way that ’ s meaningful that individual . Maybe it ’ s a breakfast meeting with a randomly selected group of employees , and you do that once a quarter and talk through things . So having processes helps — then it ’ s not dependent on your mood . Like anything else that ’ s important , whether it ’ s brushing your teeth or working out or whatever it is , you tend to institutionalize it . If it ’ s important , you create a system for it .
But the third part is getting away from the manager or the leader having to be the one to do everything having to do with culture . In the strongest cultures , it ’ s not solely the responsibility of the manager . If you
24 PULSE • APRIL 2022