Pulse April 2023 | Page 31



Exceptional Experiences

Providing Excellent Customer Service

“ I believe the most important thing for us to focus on is creating realistic expectations .”

— KARRILYNN KEITH , The Spa at Kilaga Springs
IN MANY INDUSTRIES , companies follow one of two “ go to market ” strategies : focus on providing extraordinary customer service , or emphasize low prices . While most businesses make efforts to cater to both goals , every company leader has one or the other priority in mind when making day-to-day decisions . For spas , the default is nearly always to promote great experiences .
The challenge of creating a customer-centric environment is not new . But many spa leaders say staffing turnover during and since the pandemic has exacerbated an existing issue . In an era of decreasing service mentality , how can spa leaders train and promote exceptional customer service ? Conversely , do spas face a decreasing return on investment when trying to win the approval of every client ?
APRIL 2023 n PULSE 29