What’s Trending in 2016 for Employer
Health and Wellness?
survey conducted by Springbuk Analytics, a
population health solution for employers,
brokers and on-site clinics, indicates that
there’s a trending direction for employers or
companies to look at managing health costs
and helping employees improve their health.
What drives employers to introduce “health & wellness”
programs within their businesses? A survey states that
employers “do health and wellness because they struggle to
identify at-risk members.” Based on the survey, 62 percent of
employers cannot identify hypertensive members, 60 percent
cannot identify diabetic members while 52 percent cannot
identify obese members. Survey results also show 37 percent of
employers offer near or an on-site clinic to employees. In terms
Nutrition/Healthy Eating
August 2016
of investment, 34 percent are considering measuring return on
So where exactly are employers investing?
l 86% Nutrition/Healthy Eating
l 84% Activity/Fitness
l 82% Weight Management
Have you considered opportunities of partnering with
employers to provide them health and wellness services for
their employees? Providing employee discounts exclusively to
partner companies can help draw interest to your spa within
your local community. Consider adding value to their health
and wellness programs by hosting workshops and events at
workplaces that help educate employees on the value of
embracing a healthy lifestyle.
Weight Management