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How to Adjust to Algorithm Changes
EVERY FEW MONTHS, one of the social media platforms announces
an update to their algorithm that displays posts to followers. Many
panic and think they need to tailor their content to the new algorithm in
an attempt to game it and have their posts break through.
Unfortunately, this is a flawed strategy.
Algorithms will continue to change every few
months, and you will continue playing catchup to
try and adjust your strategy to the new changes.
The best way to conquer these changes? As
always, consistently post engaging content that
is relevant to your followers and be sure to
Posting quality content, like
videos, is the best strategy to
combat social media’s frequent
algorithm changes.
interact with your followers when they leave
comments or tag you in posts.
STAYING ON THEME WITH ALGORITHMS, this month’s Instagram tip is to focus on the quality of your content and the
likelihood that your audience will respond to it above all else. There are plenty of users out there who claim to have
strategies to have posts break through the algorithm to your followers, but as Instagram states, “The order of photos and
videos in your feed will be based on the likelihood you’ll be interested in the content, your relationship with the person
posting and the timeliness of the post.” All of that to say: post relevant content consistently, respond to comments in a
timely fashion and interact with your followers, and your strategy should survive any future algorithm changes!
Do you follow @ISPAdoyou on Instagram? If not,
you’re missing out on a lot of fun! With more than a
billion active users every month, Instagram is the
fastest-growing social media network. It’s a great place
to connect with customers, market your products and
keep up with any ISPA member news.
aUgUSt 2019