Catch up with a handful of previous Scholarship
winners and discover what they’ve been up to, as well as
how the isPa foundation mary tabacchi scholarship
has helped them pursue their dreams.
kate sornson
Associate Manager, Marketing
and Communications
global Wellness summit
her career path:
“I’ve explored many of those opportu-
nities and have worked as a guest
services coordinator, a spa training
manager, a wellness road-warrior
who traveled the country promoting
wellness for The Buzz Bus, a
community manager for the Green
Spa Network and a project manager
for multiple Global Wellness Institute
Initiatives. Currently, I support the
marketing and communications for
both the Global Wellness Summit and
the Global Wellness Institute, helping
to advance the $4.2 trillion global
wellness economy.”
on how the scholarship helped her
achieve her goals:
“I don’t think I could have understood
the vast opportunities ahead of me
without this opportunity. I’m still in
touch with the leaders and visionaries
I met at the 2010 ISPA Conference &
Expo. Before that, it was difficult to
see how I could really make a career
in spa and wellness.”
kate sornson, pictured here, grew her network
by attending several isPa conference & expo
aUgUSt 2019