but here I am, heading into my fifth graduation, I relocated to Arkansas
summer in Jackson Hole! I’ve moved and accepted a position with Atrium
forward with my career path with Hospitality as spa director at Spa
Four Seasons and am now the Spa Botanica. I have been involved in
Director here at our beautiful resort.”
exciting projects and soon will be
working with our management
on the importance of the scholarship: company in the creation of Wellness
“The Scholarship was an important Rooms for their hotel portfolio.”
part of connecting with the industry
nicole meneveau
as a whole. I never imagined the how the scholarship deepened her
support and close-knit community involvement in spa:
that the spa industry has. Being a “ISPA’s continued education and
part of ISPA right from the start of mentorship have provided me with a
my career and meeting leaders wealth of valuable resources. To give
through the Scholarship allowed me back, I have joined the ISPA volunteer
to develop relationships that have community. I hope that I can share
been pivotal in my success.” my knowledge with others.”
taylor toreno kelsey brink
Spa Director
spa botanica rogers, embassy suites
convention center & spa Rooms Operations Manager
lexington griffin gate marriott
resort & spa
Spa Manager
four seasons Jackson hole
her career path:
“After graduating from Cornell, I
moved all the way out to Jackson
Hole, Wyoming, to work at Four
Seasons Jackson Hole as a spa
manager in training. I thought I
would live out west for only a year,
“Being a part of
ISPA right from the
start of my career
and meeting
leaders through
the Scholarship
allowed me to
develop relation-
ships that have
been pivotal in my
— nicole meneveau, 2014
aUgUSt 2019
her career path: her career path:
“I was promoted from spa coordinator Since receiving the Mary Tabacchi
to spa manager at the Shangri-La Scholarship, I was named the spa
Springs in Bonita Springs, Florida. My director of the Florida Gulf Coast
mentor was a great asset, and with University Spa Lab until my gradu-
her guidance I am proud to say that I ation. I then was accepted into
was able to triple spa revenue. After Marriott International’s Voyager