Pulse August 2019 | Page 48

“We were not meant to go through challenging situations alone, so find a group of encouragers who can let you know that you are not the only one who has faced these types of frustrations.” and how we can build each other up in order to achieve a If you do those four things, you’ll become the RARE leader greater good. who creates a joy-filled workplace. Remember: to be a joy- LEvEL 6: driven leader is a choice. Choose joy each day in every way, The second to the last level is joy, which is the energy of connection. Here, leaders focus on how we all can win and how we all can operate as our best selves. LEvEL 7: The final level is absolute passion, which is the energy of non-judgment. Leaders at this level don’t feel that there is a win/lose model, but that everyone can win all the time. When leaders are at this level, there is a higher awareness of being in the present moment and fully and you’ll soon watch your spa business flourish! n Next Steps to Return to your Joy & Elevate your Energy 1. chose one of the 4 R’s to exercise your resiliency muscle. 2. daily ask yourself “what level of energy am I operating in?” 3. attend my education session, “Joyful Leadership: a Secret weapon of a Successful Spa,” at this fall’s ISPa Conference & Expo. enjoying it no matter the circumstances. Now that you are aware of the seven levels of energy, the question becomes, “where am I currently at?” If you find yourself honestly answering that you are below a level four (compassion), then the next question is, “how can I elevate my energy?” RARE leaders know they set the tone, and so if you want your spa associates to display compassion, peace, joy and passion at work, you need to operate at those levels of energy more often than not. Putting it in Practice You now have the tools to put into practice the four uncommon habits that joy-driven leaders employ to refuel positivity and engagement while delivering predictable excellence: Rediscover your relationships Appreciate your assets Return to your joy Elevate your energy daWn kaiser is an author and speaker who specializes in energizing groups to unleash joy in the workplace. Dawn will lead an Education Session at the 2019 ISPa Conference & Expo; she previously spoke in 2017. you can contact Dawn at dawn@dawnkaiser.com. 46 PULSE ■ aUgUSt 2019