endurance ( often a subconscious decision to merely cope until it ’ s over , risking your health , wellness and happiness along the way ). And we confuse them all the time . Sound familiar ?
● There are also two potential outcomes of those who adopt a “ whatever it takes ” mentality , not just during a pandemic but during a bad work or personal situation . On the one-hand , there ’ s burnout where you quite simply lack the physical , mental or emotional resources to continue . And on the other hand , there ’ s rustout , which may feel easier to survive only with a lot less hope , purpose or progress , and a general feeling of malaise . Often , they can feel the same , but generally require different solutions .
Jane , Renee , Leigh and I all agreed that just like learning a new language or playing the piano , practice does indeed make perfect ( or imperfect , as I like to say ), and baby steps can help to grow big muscles of resilience over time . Here are some tips that can help :
● NAME IT TO TAME IT : As cliché as it sounds , admitting the problem is the first step , and even though we ’ ve all heard it , it ’ s hard to believe that it ’ s OK not to be OK . Whether in the mirror , to a spouse , friend , therapist or even your whole family or team , it ’ s time to share how the pandemic has affected you , what you ’ d like to change for good , and where you may just need some help . And just like the virus , you can help resilience to spread by inspiring others in your circle to do the same .
● HOSPITALITY HAS ITS LIMITS : As hospitality managers , we often lie to ourselves that exceptional service requires genuine servitude , especially in 24-7 businesses ( that is , they never close so how can we ?). People , everyone has scheduled time off . It is up to us to model and honor that work / life balance we ’ ve always heard so much about .
● HEALTHY HABITS MATTER : If you ’ re in the habit of getting a good night ’ s sleep , eating well , exercising most days and , ideally , taking time to meditate or pray , well , good on you . The key is this : these habits will only
“ See the good , feel the good and be the good . Your resilience depends on it .”
help you to stay resilient through life ’ s bad times if already established during the good times . Yes , it ’ s time to practice what we all preach , for real .
● SOS RITUALS : Whether taking a walk around the block , a moment to count to 10 , or simply dance it off ( a habit I ’ ve personally started ), we all need an arsenal of tools to survive sudden moments of stress . So , identify the rituals that work for you , make a list and keep it safely within arm ’ s reach .
● SEE , FEEL AND BE THE GOOD : Science tells us that allowing ourselves to experience moments of joy , gratitude and wonder — whether through sports , a walk in the forest , reconnecting with a loved one or literally scheduling play — not to mention doing good for others — can all serve as deposits to our banks of resilience . So I say : see the good , feel the good and be the good . Your resilience depends on it . ■
MIA KYRICOS , is a globally respected thought-leader in the business of wellness with 20 + years of experience cultivating wellness , hospitality , healthy lifestyle , and travel brands across 100 + countries . As President & Chief Love Officer of Kyricos & Associates LLC , a strategic advisory & referral firm , Mia enables public and private entities to thrive in the $ 4.5 trillion global wellness economy , working cross-functionally and cross-culturally with love and a specialty in brand strategy .
22 PULSE ■ AUGUST 2021