Pulse August 2021 | Page 52

FROM CRISIS TO OPPORTUNITY : Lessons on Meeting the Mental Health Moment

WE KNOW THAT REPORTED INCIDENCES of anxiety , depression and despair has been trending up over the past decade , and there ’ s no doubt that these issues have continued to grow worse during our recent pandemic . In early 2020 , the American Psychological Association published research noting that over 30 % of adults across all age groups reported worsening mental health . An update published in March of this year broke responses down along generational lines , indicating that 46 percent of Gen Z adults , as well as 33 percent of Gen X adults and 31 percent of millennials have seen their mental health worsen over the last year . These figures are alarming , but they also present us in the spa and wellness industries with an opportunity to address mental health needs more openly , effectively and universally . For years , we have been touting the use of touch , movement , meditation and other stress management practices , and now is the time to practice more of what we preach . And to preach more loudly to a more receptive audience .