IF YOU CAN BELIEVE IT ( I SCARCELY CAN ), we are two-thirds through 2022 , and it won ’ t be long before we feel like we ’ ve been fired from a cannon into the holiday season . As we head toward the end of the year at ISPA , planning and preparation for the 2023 ISPA Conference is already well underway . It ’ s a huge undertaking to ready everything for one magical week in May of next year , but every ounce of effort is worth it .
Speaking of Conference , I ’ ve mentioned how excited we were to see so many new faces this year . Nearly half of our exhibitors were new to the ISPA Conference , and the number of first-timers attending as buyers was similarly impressive . This growth and expanding reach are great harbingers for our industry and for ISPA . We ’ re eager to harness this good energy and sustain our momentum by encouraging new and longtime members alike to take advantage of the many industry-elevating opportunities available through ISPA . ( Are you listening , future ISPA Board Chair ?)
One simple but important way to engage with ISPA is through this magazine . Pulse is a great resource that is made even better when members enrich its pages by sharing their expertise and experience as an author or a source . Be on the lookout for the Pulse add-on questions at the end of ISPA ’ s monthly Snapshot Surveys to learn how you can contribute to an upcoming issue ( and if you haven ’ t downloaded the Pulse app for your mobile device , take a moment to check it out ).
Volunteers — from our board of directors to committee members to newly minted ISPA Ambassadors — are an absolutely integral part of ISPA ’ s work in service of the spa industry , and we ’ re always interested in hearing from those who want to serve . Volunteering is a great way to build strong personal relationships with people throughout the industry while delivering the tangible results and resources that strengthen our industry .
Finally , we can ’ t encourage you strongly enough to engage with educational opportunities like ISPA ’ s Town Hall series , whether as a viewer or panel participant . These events provide highly relevant , real-time input from leaders across the industry , and they benefit enormously from your participation , so if you have an idea for a Town Hall — or are interested in any of the opportunities outlined here — don ’ t hesitate to reach to us at ispa @ ispastaff . com or learn more at experienceispa . com .
To all my new friends and future ISPA leaders : Welcome ! It ’ s lovely to have you join the ISPA family .
Patrick Huey We Care Spa
Kelleye Martin The Edgewater Spa
Immediate Past Chair Todd Shaw Fountain Life
Michelle Adams Somerville Woodstock Inn & Resort
Brennan Evans Trilogy Spa Holdings
CG Funk Massage Heights Corporate LLC
Lynelle Lynch Bellus Academy
Dawn MacLellan St . Andrews Country Club
Barry McCaffrey BABOR
Jay Muller Eight Sleep
Foundation Chair Frank Pitsikalis Agilysys
Eric Savage Freedom Spa , LLC
Charlotte Prescott Fisher Island Club Spa Internazionale
Kenneth Ryan Marriott International
Jessica Shea Hilton
Jessica Timberlake Jessica Timberlake Consulting
Lynne McNees President International SPA Association
ADVISOR TO THE BOARD Garrett Mersberger
MEDICAL ADVISOR Brent A . Bauer , MD Mayo Clinic