Pulse August / September 2023 | Page 37

Discovering spas that embody their sense of place

You may have felt it when you toured a historic site and paused to envision events that took place there , decades or centuries ago .
Or maybe it came over you as a child while you prepared a “ homegrown ” meal with your grandmother after selecting the ingredients from her vegetable garden .
And , if you have traveled to some of the world ’ s great spas , you likely have experienced it and the perception of comfort and “ all ’ s right in the world ” it engenders .
During your life , you will occasionally encounter a “ sense of place ” that is deeply personal . You will know the feeling when it happens : It evokes a sense of connection and an impression of attachment between a place ’ s people and culture and setting . In 2023 parlance , sense of place is the vibe of a spa that embraces the local flavor and the history of its location .
Does your spa exude a sense of place ? Have you carefully woven the local culture and history into your spa ’ s treatments , ambiance and architecture ? Consider sharing your “ sense of place ” story in Pulse . Contact the editor to learn more : scot . gillies @ ispastaff . com .
With this issue , Pulse introduces a new occasional series exploring the “ sense of place ” that some spas have built into their brand presence . Starting with Kate Lacroix ’ s celebration of the spa at Hotel Mi Amor and
By definition , spas incorporate water treatments — and many spas located near historic or picturesque water sources embrace them as part of their sense of place .

Sense of Place and Self-Care

THIS SENSE OF PLACE discussion mirrors a current conversation in the spa marketplace of “ self care .” Is it meant to be deep or is it more of a surface concept ? Does a pedicure cure what ails us , or must it be something deeper ? As always , the questions and the discussions that ensue are just as vital to the conversation as the answers they produce . One thing is certain : It ’ s a brave new world out there and it ’ s more important than ever to orient ourselves toward the existential needs of our clients and have them reflected in our particular philosophy . Together , we can nourish us all .
its Mayan roots ( page 32 ), the Sense of Place series will identify spas across the globe whose brands are intertwined with their unique locations and have become part of the local culture . n