Pulse August / September 2023 | Page 45

Conference Speaker Selection

LIKE VENUE SELECTION , several factors shape the roster of presentations at the annual ISPA Conference . Here are answers to several common questions about the selection of topics and speakers for ISPA ’ s annual industry gathering :
How does ISPA consider topics for the annual Conference ? Each year , ISPA gathers member feedback on topics for educational offerings focusing on professional and personal development . Conference attendees help to choose future presentation topics by answering session surveys while at Conference plus a post-Conference survey , and all members ’ voices are heard when they respond to Snapshot Surveys throughout the rest of the year .
Education speaker topics are developed based on member interests . When planning the event , the ISPA Team especially seeks business-focused topics that will appeal to spa professionals . Since ISPA is a non-profit organization , our members ’ feedback is what drives our agenda .
Education sessions at the ISPA Conference focus on professional development . We strive to ensure our members benefit from as much spa leader-specific instruction as possible during our presentation sessions so they can return home , inspired to share the ideas they heard with their teams and then implement their new knowledge into their spas . ing their presentation . They will also share their presentation notes or slide deck with ISPA in the months leading up to Conference .
Are resource partners asked to deliver presentations ? It ’ s impossible to open the offerings to all of our amazing brands in the education sessions , so ISPA drives attendees to the Expo floor to experience a diverse collection of brands for networking and product-focused educational resources .
“ Education speaker topics are developed based on member interests . When planning the event , the ISPA Team especially seeks business-focused topics that will appeal to spa professionals .”
How many education sessions are presented ? At the 2023 ISPA Conference , about two dozen speakers , panelists and moderators addressed attendees during daily Power Sessions , a pre-Conference Talent Talk , multiple Knowledge Builder sessions and other presentations . Some of the education sessions lend themselves to a format featuring a panel of experts . When multiple panelists present , a moderator will facilitate the session .
What does ISPA expect from presenters ? The role of a presenter goes well beyond their appearance at the ISPA Conference . Speakers being considered for ISPA education sessions will take part in pre-Conference interviews and may be asked to submit an article preview-