Pulse August / September 2023 | Page 48

Insights to recruit , engage and retain spa industry professionals
we ’ re doing is right . And that ’ s going to help the experience for the next person who ’ s hired .
Pulse : You mentioned you take a very active role in your spa operation . Are there other things you may have observed when you were an employee that you made sure to address ? DM : When I did nails , sometimes I would have long days with no lunch . I make sure I log into our schedule , to make sure there are lunches scheduled for everybody . I want to make sure the employees have quality of life . I also think by being there and being hands on , I hear about things that happen . So , if there ’ s a situation with a guest , or someone is struggling , I ’ m able to help them . It ends up creating a better experience for everybody . Our focus is ensuring the guest has an extraordinary experience when they come in , and anything I can do to facilitate that — whether it ’ s a training opportunity for someone who ’ s struggling with a situation , or whatever it is — I ’ m happy to be there to do that .
Pulse : You mentioned your relationships with schools . How did you start those relationships and how do you keep them alive ? DM : We started by introducing ourselves as a potential employer for the graduating classes . My husband has also become more involved in one of the colleges and is on their advisory board . Being there to have a voice when they ’ re discussing issues and providing feedback as a receiving employer helps both of us . We ’ re able to help with content creation and that really helps not just us , but other employers that are hiring these graduating classes as well . It ’ s important to be a partner and to be there to do mock interviews or anything we can do to help students be more prepared at graduation .
Pulse : When you ’ re interviewing candidates , what are some of your typical questions ? What are you looking for ?

“ Having someone who grew from within — who understood what it was like on day one , watched us grow and develop our brand , who really has a vested interest in providing extraordinary customer service for the guest and knows how we work — has been huge in allowing us to have the second location .”