Pulse August / September 2023 | Page 55

“ When making new policies , or updating them , ensure they suit your company ’ s culture , budget and employee preferences . When you make employee well-being a culture habit , you can better ensure maximum engagement and results .”
— CYNDY TRIVELLA FOR FORBES l 71 percent less likely to report experiencing a lot of burnout l Five times more likely to strongly advocate for their company as a place to work l Five times more likely to strongly agree that they trust the leadership of their organization l 36 percent more likely to be thriving in their overall lives Harter posits that “ employees ’ expectations have fundamentally changed since 2020 .” His Gallup article reports that “ many employees now have new and more serious factors to consider when they think about their job , including if their employer cares about their well-being ” and concludes that “ the intersection between work and life has new meaning — upping the bar for employers .”
Physical-Mental-Financial Health
Writing for Forbes , Cyndy Trivella finds that “ many employers often focus on supporting employees ’ physical health through initiatives and benefits like gym memberships , smoking cessation classes or education about healthy eating .” She argues that — while physical health initiatives are vital —“ it ’ s also essential to consider financial and mental health .” Looking at the three areas of health , Trivella shares several compelling facts : Physical health : l Physical well-being correlates with people ’ s productivity in the workplace . l Employers can encourage physical well-being by providing opportunities for exercise during the workday , such as standing desks , yoga lunch hours or walking meetings . l Promoting healthy food options and regular breaks can encourage a healthier workplace culture . l Research has shown that prioritizing employee wellness leads to companies having lower healthcare costs , reduced absenteeism and increased retention rates .
Financial health l 59 percent of employees report that finances are their most significant source of stress , according to a PricewaterhouseCoopers report . l Financial worries can lead to decreased productivity , increased absenteeism and lack of focus , in addition to impacting people ’ s physical health by creating issues like high blood pressure , heart problems and headaches .
Mental health : l Employees who are mentally healthy are more capable of focusing on their work and performing at their best . This can result in higher-quality work , increased efficiency and higher job satisfaction . l When employees feel supported in their mental health , they are more likely to be engaged and committed to their work . l Ongoing mental health concerns can increase absenteeism as employees take time to deal with symptoms or seek treatment . l When employees feel supported in their mental health , they are less likely to leave their job due to stress or burnout . Saying that “ building or enhancing a wellness program that addresses various aspects of employee well-being requires careful planning and implementation ,” Trivella shares this list of strategies for an employee wellness program : 1 Assess employee needs 2 Set clear goals and monitor them 3 Provide education and awareness 4 Create a positive , balanced environment n
Forbes . com | The 7 Most In-Demand Employee Benefits Right Now , by Brian Menickella | https :// www . forbes . com / sites / brianmenickella / 2023 / 06 / 16 / the-7- most-in-demand-employee-benefits-right-now / Forbes . com | Why Employers Need To Care About Every Aspect Of Employees ’ Health , by Cyndy Trivella | https :// www . forbes . com / sites / forbeshumanresourcescouncil / 2023 / 07 / 11 / why-employers-need-to-care-about-every-aspect-of-employees-health / Gallup . com | Leaders : Ignore Employee Wellbeing At Your Own Risk , by Jim Harter | https :// www . gallup . com / workplace / 507974 / leaders-ignore-employeewellbeing-own-risk . aspx