Pulse August / September 2023 | Page 63

DO YOU EVER WONDER how your peers would handle a situation ? Maybe you ’ re curious what other leaders in the spa industry have to say on a certain subject . In Sound Off , we ask ISPA members from differing backgrounds , countries and companies the same question and see how their answers compare .


DO YOU EVER WONDER how your peers would handle a situation ? Maybe you ’ re curious what other leaders in the spa industry have to say on a certain subject . In Sound Off , we ask ISPA members from differing backgrounds , countries and companies the same question and see how their answers compare .

“ What seasonal adjustments do you make to your spa menu ? Does the weather outside make a difference ?”
CLIFF BANAGALE Bamford Wellness Spa – 1 Hotel West Hollywood Director of Spa
MICHELLE KNIGHT Sévérine Spa and Wellness Spa Director
COLLEEN STIRITZ AAG Hallandale Beach Club Senior Regional Director
RENEE PEREZ Sea Spa Miami Lowes Miami Beach Spa Director
“ The best spa experiences
are tailor made for the
local culture , social demographic
and , most importantly
, the season . Weather
plays a great role ! I like to
deep dive into the next 30-
60-90 days reviewing holidays
, weather and local
events that may impact spa
business . My PR and marketing
teams have to be my
best friends during this process
. Collaboration is key in
creating seasonal 60-minute
treatments onto threehour
journeys . It can also be
an add-on that signifies a
scent / feeling tied to our spa
or arrival / departure activity
guests can experience . The
more specific you are , the
more personal their journey
becomes .”
“ Our spa ’ s menu was
created to provide a dynamic
and customized experience
for our clients
throughout the year .
Monthly promotions reflect
the seasonal changes , special
holidays , and amenities
of the hotel . We carefully
consider the time of year ,
our location and our brand
partners and tailor our
treatments accordingly . During
warmer months , we
may offer refreshing facials
and light body treatments
to combat the heat . In
colder seasons , we focus on
providing longer treatments
as the days are shorter and
nourishing and hydrating
therapies to counter dryness
. Our goal is to ensure
our clients receive the most
beneficial and enjoyable
spa experience , whatever
the weather may be .”
“ We capture the essence of
holidays and seasons
throughout the year with a
variety of classes , treatments
and wellness events .
Summer and winter solstices
as well as both equinoxes
are honored with
sound baths , meditations
and drumming ceremonies
held under the moonlight on
the beach or poolside . Although
we do not get snow
in South Florida , we can still
celebrate a snow moon in
February with cold therapies
to capture the spirit of the
season . When the weather is
hot , we offer aqua yoga and
aquatics classes outside , and
when it is stormy , we send
out spa storm specials to
keep our residents and
guests calm and happy . We
like to mix in unique services
throughout the year to keep
the menus and specials
“ It is key to adjust your offerings
along with the seasons
. I typically feature
seasonal ingredients and
adjust temperature-based
treatments . During
summer months , I may promote
a cooling facial or refreshing
body scrub
whereas during the winter
months offer hot stone
massages or warm oil body
treatments . We find when
the weather is nice , most
guests prefer to be outdoors
enjoying the pool / beach , so
we may tweak our packages
to combine all-day access
to the facilities to allow
guests to experience both
the spa and the beach !
( Rainy days are our busiest
days !)” n
fresh .”