Pulse February / March 2023 | Page 17

Pulse : What advice do you share with business leaders who want to help their employees to live intentionally ? BN : First and foremost , show that you care about them as human beings . Ask them what they are passionate about , or what ’ s on their list . Just the act of asking shows that you care about them as a person ( not just their professional output ).
I also encourage leaders to check in on those personal goals , just like they would check in on their professional goals . This creates accountability and will drive their employees toward those personal passions .
This helps create a culture where employees feel as though they can be the true version of themselves , and that is where teams thrive . This work-life harmony encourages employees to find purpose in their work and find purpose in their life .
Pulse : You tell your followers ,“ My goal is to instill this belief in you and prove that you are capable of the impossible .” If a dream appears impossible , how do you even get started ? BN : Take action . Sometimes we plan too much , and we forget that action is a plan . Remember , mood follows action . You create your own inspiration through action . The first step is writing your goals down . Now you have a reminder that your goals exist .
Second , share your goals . This creates accountability because you feel accountable to the people you shared them with . In addition , you give others the chance to help you if you share your goals . The only way that we cross things off our list is through the help of other people .
Lastly , be unstoppable . The truth is most people give up . Do not underestimate the power of persistence , it ’ s a numbers game . You don ’ t know what ’ s possible until you ’ re actually doing it .
Pulse : We ’ re hoping to learn more about the “ 5 Steps to Make the Impossible Possible ” when you address the spa community in May at the 2023 ISPA Conference . What else should we be prepared to hear from you ? BN : l Identify the number one thing that holds you back from accomplishing your goals . l Unbury your dreams and keep them unburied . l Create a plan of action to drive you forward toward your goals .