ISPA 2016 U . S . Spa Industry Study
Continuing the Momentum
ccording to the ISPA 2016 U . S . Spa Industry Study , the spa industry is continuing the momentum of growth . Data from the annual research has shown promising figures , particularly on increases in the majority of its Big 5 indicators : revenue , spa visits , revenue per visits , locations and total employment .
The numbers below offer a snapshot of the health of the spa industry and the positive outlook ahead of it .
US $ 16.3 billion
TOTAL REVENUE is estimated to have increased by five percent , up from US $ 15.5 billion in 2014 to US $ 16.3 billion in 2015 . The increase in spa revenues was driven by a rising number of spa visits combined with increased revenue per visit and expansion in the number of spa locations .
179 million
The number of SPA VISITS remained on an upward path , increasing from 176 million in 2014 to 179 million in 2015 .
75 %
When asked about their more RECENT EXPERIENCE IN THE SIX MONTHS PRIOR TO THE SURVEY ( September 2015 to March 2016 ), three in four spas ( 75 percent ) reported an increase in revenue .
TO ACCESS THIS MEMBER-EXCLUSIVE report , log in as an ISPA member and download the full report at experienceispa . com .
32 PULSE ■ January / February 2017