Pulse January / February 2024 | Page 15

other 55 minutes more productive , more collaborative , more successful . In the past , we ’ ve thought of spa time and rest as a reward for what we ’ ve just done . The mindset shift is looking at those breaks as preparation for what is to come , a necessary ingredient for high performance .
Pulse : You use the term “ hidden habits ” to describe how some leaders achieve success . Are hidden habits observable if we know what to look for ? Can we emulate others who are practicing them ? SG : I ’ m motivated by the idea that “ character is how you behave when nobody is watching .” What I try to do with my research is to go behind the scenes of extraordinary people to see what they are doing when nobody is watching . What are they doing internally to succeed externally ?
Great leaders tend to have an inner home base . They


Suneel Gupta is a prominent entrepreneur and author known for his contributions to the fields of innovation and leadership .
After earning an MBA and law degree , Gupta embarked on an eclectic career driving innovation for Sony Pictures , Groupon , Mozilla and MTV , as well as writing speeches for the White House and leading trade efforts in Ghana . His entrepreneurial spirit — combined with an ability to identify opportunities in emerging markets and leverage technology to address consumer needs — eventually led him to co-found Rise , a health and wellness startup . Rise focused on providing personalized nutrition plans and coaching through a mobile platform .
Gupta ’ s commitment to sharing his knowledge and experiences has taken several paths . As a visiting scholar at Harvard Medical School , Gupta has researched and taught the interconnection between inner well-being and outer leadership .
He hosts Business Class , an American Express docuseries , where he showcases entrepreneurs and business visionaries who embody struggle and resilience . His 2021 book Backable : The Surprising Truth Behind What Makes People Take a Chance on You explores the qualities that make individuals and ideas “ backable ,” or likely to gain support and backing from others . His most recent work , the book Everyday Dharma : 8 Essential Practices for Finding Success and Joy in Everything You Do , helps readers identify their Dharma — the essence of who they are — so they can feel a sense of purpose that shines through their life and work .
can have a physical or mental gesture to give themselves some comfort in those moments — tracing your hand down your cheek , conjuring an image of a stream you visited as a child , thinking of petting your dog or cat . If you follow the research of Viktor Frankl , a space between impulse and response is our freedom — if there is no space , there is no freedom . There are things we can do to extend that space . If you give yourself more choices , that ’ s when you start to reclaim your freedom .
Pulse : Your newest book is called Everyday Dharma . In a few sentences , what is the practice of Dharma ? How does this philosophy help spa leaders promote

“ That ’ s the paradox of recovery : The more you need to rest , the more Burnt Out you are , the harder it is to achieve that rest .”