community is full
of diverse talents and
inspiring stories, all
working towards
the same goal:
a healthier
mary Winter
isPa is Proud to Welcome memBers with all sorts of
backgrounds, from World Series of Poker players to Wheel of Fortune
winners, to… REO Speedwagon backup singers?
When Mary Winter was in her twenties, she won a radio station
contest and was able to be part of an “amazing experience” sharing
the stage with the ‘70s rock band. Now, after 23 years in the spa
industry, this Kentucky girl lives in Sarasota, Florida. Her position as
Director of Spa Services at the recently-opened Westin Sarasota spa
comes as a result of a journey which started in ladies’ fitness centers.
“I began growing a fitness chain in Kentucky in the late ‘70s,”
recalls Mary, who has been nicknamed ‘The Bomb’ by her former
bosses for her success in selling fitness memberships at hospital
facilities. “My transition into spa came as the spa began having a
presence in fitness centers, hospitals and country club venues. I was
involved in a turnaround project that had an early version of a spa in
the late 90s. It fell into my lap and I had to basically figure it out! My
early roles consisted of marketing and promotions and transitioned
into design and consulting for startups. I had such an early love for
wellness that I embraced the services and loved figuring out
how to promote them and become profitable. It was clear to
me early on how important retailing was and it has become
such an important role in my job. Now, I am a retail
coaching specialist for WTS International, which takes
me to properties around the country educating them
and enhancing their retail performance.”
Mary’s happy, positive and flexible nature have led
her to share a love for fitness with her daughter, who is
just beginning her own exciting journey down a similar
“My daughter has been exposed to wellness and
fitness her entire life. I raised her with the education of
nutrition and exercise, and how to create a balanced lifestyle.
She has just signed with Monmouth University in New jersey to
play Division I tennis this fall! Raising her is the proudest accom-
plishment of my life.” n
jULy 2019