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lynne Walker mcnees
“When life hands
you lemons...”
Though I wish I could say I
was running a marathon
or obstacle-course racing
(one of my favorite things),
that’s simply not the case. On
Mother’s Day, I walked into the
kitchen to make oatmeal for my cute
husband and after a particularly nasty fall some
may refer to as a “herkie”, I ended up in the emergency
room with a torn meniscus and a very deep bone bruise!
Sadly, I missed my second ISPA board meeting in nearly 25
years. The first miss was also for medical reasons after an
emergency surgery in 2000. With the help of a lot of ice, an
elaborate brace, physical therapy and of course rest, I am
definitely on the mend! But nothing was more therapeutic in
my recovery than the outpouring of support I received from
my ISPA family. The cards, flowers, treats and texts were an
extraordinary therapy. Thank you!
To be part of a family that is so supportive and encouraging
makes going through challenging experiences much easier to
handle. The way our members look out for each other is truly
exceptional, and the pursuit of wellness is contagious in the
best of ways.
In the end, one could say that I did run a marathon—just a
different kind of marathon, a mental marathon. I learned to
master things that don’t come naturally to me: patience, asking
for help and sitting still. Hopefully, these are lessons I will carry
with me. As the healing continues, I’ll be sending cheers of
thanks as I sip on the lemonade made from the lemons that life
handed me.
Forever grateful,
—lynne mcnees, isPa President
jULy 2019