Pulse July 2020 | Page 19

THE PULSE GUIDE TO BY JAMISON STOIKE REOPENING AROUND THE WORLD, SPAS ARE BEGINNING TO REOPEN. Though consumers remain nervous about COVID-19, several months spent at-home have awakened in many a new understanding of the importance of self-care, and the role of spa and wellness in their lives have only deepened. When they reenter the spa for the first time, they’ll likely encounter—or request—things they never have before. Facemasks. Plexiglass shields. Touchless treatments. As a spa, your challenge is to deliver an exceptional experience despite the challenges of the day. To do so, you’ll need to fully internalize proper sanitation, understand what consumers want, train your staff better than ever and have innovative equipment. Over the next 12 pages, Pulse will serve as your jumping-off point into the brave new world that is reopening your spas after the COVID-19 pandemic. JULY 2020 ■ PULSE 15