ISPA U . S . Spa Industry Study Unveils New Industry Record
ONE OF THE MOST ENCOURAGING moments from the 2023 ISPA Conference occurred on Day Two of the event , when Colin McIlheney of ISPA research partner PricewaterhouseCoopers ( PwC ) took the Main Stage to share an overview of the findings from the 2023 ISPA U . S . Spa Industry Study . PwC is commissioned yearly to conduct the study , which presents the “ Big Five ” spa industry statistics .
“ BIG FIVE ” STATISTICS l Total revenue
l Total spa visits l Number of spa locations l Revenue per visit l Total number of U . S . spa industry employees
The study reveals that U . S . spa industry revenues grew from $ 18.1 billion in 2021 to $ 20.1 billion , an increase of more than 11 percent . The revenue figure sets a new all-time industry record , outpacing the previous high of $ 19.1 billion revenue realized in 2019 . Continuing the report ’ s good news , the total number of U . S . spas reversed a downward trend that started in 2020 and persisted into 2021 . In 2022 , the industry added 280 locations over the prior year ’ s figure . The number of spa visits grew from 173 million in 2021 to 181 million . Revenue per spa visit increased by $ 7 for the second time in year-over-year numbers , settling at $ 111.50 — another alltime high . The number of industry employees also continued to rise in 2022 , increasing to 360,700 , a 4.6 percent increase over 2021 .
Keep an eye on your inbox for an email linking to the full report later this summer .
Elevate Your Talent Search
AS ONE OF ISPA ’ S MOST VALUABLE member benefits , ning a summer promotion geared toward nonmembers the Career Center provides members with the complimentary opportunity to post an unlimited number of open po- the ISPA Career Center to boost their standard job post-
for 25 percent off all Premium packages and upgrades in
sitions on a niche job board created for the sole purpose of ings and get as many eyes on their openings as possible . attracting high-quality candidates to a rewarding career Premium Job Posting upgrades feature jobs on the Career path in the spa industry . With job-seeking graduates and Center homepage and keep the posts highlighted toward seasoned professionals looking to find their next career the top of search results for 30 days . Normally a $ 299 expense for members , the Premium Job Posting Package can move this summer , now is an advantageous time to maximize views and responses to your job ads . ISPA members be marked down to $ 225 using this month ’ s discount code can visit experienceispa . com / careers and click “ Get
JULY25 . n
Started ” to launch the Career Center portal , where they will find “ Post a Job ” in the top right corner of the screen . From there , members will be prompted to log in using their ISPA member login and then select either the standard complimentary posting option of 30 or 60 days or select a premium package that will elevate the posting ’ s exposure for a fee . Options to attract diverse candidates and maximize distribution to job aggregator websites and social media are also available .
If you want to elevate your job posting even further , now is the perfect time to do so . This month , ISPA is run-
8 PULSE n JULY 2023