ERICA DHAWAN Connectional Intelligence
“ WE ARE ALL IMMIGRANTS TO THE NEW WORLD OF DIGITAL BODY LANGUAGE .” Erica Dhawan believes we ’ re all experiencing the same challenges as more of our interactions — with colleagues , with resource partners , even with clients — move away from in-person to online . So , how do we connect intelligently ?
Erica suggested to the ISPA Conference audience that “ the question shouldn ’ t be how to adapt to ‘ the new normal ,’ but instead how to create a better normal ” in digital communications .
Whether communicating in a video conference or by email or text message , Erica offers five key principles to ensure your message is received the way you intend :
1 Choose clarity over brevity : Without body language and voice inflection clues , your choice of words and level of detail are even more important .
2 Have a “ communicate your mind ” mindset : What is the ask ? Why do you and others need this ? What is the priority level ?
3 Hold your horses : Unlike an in-person conversation , digital communications are not always immediate .
4 Assume the best intent : When someone has chosen brevity over clarity , ask for clarification . If a response time runs longer than you think appropriate , send a gentle reminder .
5 Find your voice : Know whether you , your leaders , your team members and your clients are introverts or extroverts , digital natives or digital adapters . It means understanding different cultural norms . n
Erica ’ s Pro Tips for Online and Digital Meetings
l TEST YOUR TECHNOLOGY . Especially if you haven ’ t used it in more than a few days , open your software before the scheduled time and test both your video and microphone quality . This will save the entire team time and will allow you to skip the “ CAN YOU HEAR ME ?” section of the schedule .
l USE THE VIRTUAL CHAT TOOL during a hybrid meeting for everyone to brainstorm ideas and write them down before you discuss as a group . Be willing to try hybrid brainstorming in new mediums , such as Microsoft Teams or a whiteboard app like Mural . l SLOW DOWN . Practice the 5-second rule and wait five seconds before speaking after you ask a question . This gap allows your team to process and accounts for the few seconds that an individual may wonder “ Is someone else going to speak up first ?” before speaking up themselves . l CALL ON THOSE YOU HAVEN ’ T HEARD FROM or who are remote first to speak up and share their ideas . Otherwise , the same people who feel comfortable will talk and the people who don ’ t , won ’ t . l RATE YOUR MEETINGS and always ask : What went well ? What could be improved ? Have champions who are assessing what works and what needs to be refined .
EDITOR ’ S NOTE : Scot T . Gillies , executive editor at ISPA , sat in on Erica Dhawan ’ s presentation and chose the above highlight to share .
JULY 2023 n PULSE 19