Pulse July 2023 | Page 28



Bringing Out the Best in Your Staff : Key Tips to Overcome Any Barrier

IT WAS SUCH A TREAT TO BE BACK presenting at ISPA . Thank you to all the amazing attendees who gave the gift of their time and attention , and came with open hearts and minds to my session . If you were not able to make it , here are five top takeaways :
1 The question is not how to bring about the best in our staff , but rather , How can we create an environment where our team can bring all of themselves to work ? We must focus on what we can do to create a workspace where our team can do their best work , and flourish and thrive .
2 What makes a “ best job ever ” comes down to one word — and it isn ’ t money . When people feel what they do has significance and the work they do matters , their sense of job satisfaction increases dramatically .
3 When we can align the tasks needed to run our business with the strengths of our staff — as opposed to their job description — both engagement and enjoyment will flourish . If you are not sure where the true strengths of your team reside , listen with your eyes . When people work inside their strengths : l l l l l l l
Inflection will rise Speech will become more rapid Posture will improve Eyes will be wide , and eyebrows raised Smiling and laughing will occur naturally Hand gestures will increase Speech will become more fluent
4 Use the lens of appreciative inquiry versus fault-finding to tend to the gaps in your business . Appreciative inquiry removes any judgment and is a solution-based approach . It allows for collaboration , growth and learning , while fear-based leadership forbids evolution .
5 The greatest gift you can give your staff is your undivided attention . See the human being and not the human doing . Have your phone away and out of sight during any important conversation with team members .
You are doing amazing work . In addition to appreciating your team , take the time to appreciate all that you are doing to inspire those around you to become the best version of themselves . Yes , look forward to see where you still want to go , but also take the time to pause , look back and see just how far you have come . n
“ When people feel what they do has significance and the work they do matters , their sense of job satisfaction increases dramatically .”
EDITOR ’ S NOTE : Petra Kolber shares the above highlight from her presentation at the 2023 ISPA Conference .
26 PULSE n JULY 2023