Pulse July 2023 | Page 51

I asked : Create a short marketing email promoting a couple ’ s massage treatment available at my spa . ChatGPT returned this email :
Bard offered this suggestion :
Okay , your marketing director might tear these apart as generic or wordy or cliched .
But would most of your clients think anything was amiss if one of these emails appeared in their inboxes ? Both chatbots created messages that were easy to understand , with a clear call-to-action . They both included enough spa terminology to make the emails sound on-brand .
Adding a little more detail to the request would have resulted in more specific suggested email text . And within two seconds , both tools offered multiple versions of emails , so you can pick the one you like best — or start over with a modified request .
AI tools will increasingly contribute to website content , social media posts , email nurture campaigns and other spa communications in the coming months and years . Just ask your favorite artificial intelligence app — it ’ ll tell you ! n
“ If you ’ re like the majority of consumers who have not explored the functionality of artificial intelligence chatbots , you may have an unsettling realization that you can ’ t tell the difference between AIassembled information and humanauthored content .”
JULY 2023 n PULSE 49