THIS MONTH WE ASKED : Other than travel , what summertime hobbies or activities do you look forward to each year ?
Lynne McNees • President lynne . mcnees @ ispastaff . com • 1.859.226.4260 “ Our monthly 5K run my cute husband and I try to do together . A fun way to support a different great cause each month and do something challenging together !”
Crystal Ducker • Vice President crystal . ducker @ ispastaff . com • 1.859.226.4427 “ Golfing , gardening and grilling are at the top of my favorites list . I especially look forward to some good competitive golf scrambles .”
Chelsea Compton • Director of Membership chelsea . compton @ ispastaff . com • 1.859.226.4334 “ I love to grill out over Memorial Day weekend to kick off the summer . More of my favorite summer activities include morning jogs , playing cornhole in the backyard with family and watching the sun set from my back patio .”
Amy Finder • Graphic Designer amy . finder @ ispastaff . com • 1.859.963.1877 “ I greatly enjoy getting out in nature , and especially sauntering through the woods and other wild places .”
Scot T . Gillies • Executive Editor scot . gillies @ ispastaff . com • 1.859.226.4372 “ Mowing — so much mowing !— gives me an excuse to listen to dozens of books and podcasts between March and October every year , making the chore really enjoyable . Who says you have to be dumber in the summer ?”
Alexandra Harper • Director of Education alexandra . harper @ ispastaff . com • 1.859.359.8010 “ Summertime is my favorite time of year and I love how long the days are ! I really enjoy anything outside in the summer , but my favorite activities would be going to horse shows or out on the lake .”
Nelson Lane • Senior Marketing Manager nelson . lane @ ispastaff . com • 1.859.551.3906 “ I always look forward to celebrating Independence Day with my friends . It ’ s always so much fun following up a pool day with fireworks .”
Stacie McWilliams • Membership Manager stacie . mcwilliams @ ispastaff . com • 1.859.226.4292 ““ Hanging poolside with my family ! We love spending our weekends soaking up the sunshine , grilling up dinner and laughing around the fire pit .”
Jessica Roberts • Marketing Specialist jessica . roberts @ ispastaff . com • 1.859.425.5072 “ One of my favorite summertime activities is playing pickleball tournaments with friends and family .”
Samantha Smith • Project Manager samantha . smith @ ispastaff . com • 1.859.219.3619 “ We grew up camping as our vacation — my older brother and I were like children of the wild . I love days spent outdoors at the lake and around a campfire . And yes , s ’ mores are a MUST !”
Marja Walker • Graphic Designer marja . walker @ ispastaff . com • 1.520.891.3439 “ This probably constitutes as travel — but also as an activity — I plan to spend as much time as possible floating and bobbing in the waves of the Sea of Cortez .”
Kirsten Wright • Business Development Manager kirsten . wright @ ispastaff . com • 1.859.226.4207 “ I love patio season at restaurants ! Something about enjoying a nice meal while outside .... Oh , and lots of ice cream ! My favorite is Jeni ’ s Brambleberry Crisp .”
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JULY 2023 n PULSE 63