memBer PersPectives
By J a m i s o n s to i k e
The long View
Three Members Share How
Their Spas Have Evolved
the theme of this year’s isPa conference & exPo:
evolve. To face the challenges of tomorrow, the spa
industry must adapt to changing trends, demographics and
of course, the necessity of evolution to a successful
business is nothing new. That’s why Pulse set out to
speak with three iSPa member spas whose spa directors
have been in place for varying lengths of time, all of
which might be considered ‘long’ in the spa industry, to
jUnE 2019
glean a few insights on what has—and hasn’t—changed,
and how they’ve adapted with the times.
Bought during the Boom
Kara Tefft has been co-owner of a La mode Spa and Salon,
in yakima, Washington, for nearly five years, having
purchased it in the fall of 2014. and even though that time
may seem brief, five years at one spa has been enough
time to see it experience significant change and growth.