canceled health care services since the pandemic started . to report significant effects from pandemic-related stress
The mental health effects of the pandemic have been than the population in general . Hispanic and Black adults especially intense for parents . Nearly half ( 48 percent ) of reported higher incidences of undesired changes to sleep parents reported that their mental health has worsened ( 78 percent and 76 percent , respectively ), physical activity during the pandemic , and three in four parents ( 75 percent ) ( 87 percent and 84 percent ) and weight ( 71 percent and said that they could have used more emotional support 64 percent ). than they received since the pandemic started . Parents were It ’ s clear from the APA ’ s report that , by almost every also more likely than those without children to have received treatment from a mental health professional ( 32 per- continue to cause , significant challenges to Americans ’
measure , the COVID-19 pandemic has caused , and will
cent vs . 12 percent ) or mental health and overall have been diagnosed with a mental health disorder since the beginning of the pandemic ( 24 percent vs . nine percent ).
Other groups in different professional , generational and racial demographics have also been disproportionately affected by stress related to the pandemic . Essential workers are one such group , with 54 percent reporting relying on a lot of unhealthy habits to get through the pandemic and nearly three in 10 ( 29 percent ) saying that
The mental health effects of the pandemic have been especially intense for parents . Nearly half ( 48 percent ) of parents reported that their mental health has worsened during the pandemic , and three in four parents ( 75 percent ) said that they could have used more emotional support than they received since the pandemic started . well-being . Throughout the pandemic , many spa leaders have been vocal about the role that spas may play in relieving that stress . These numbers suggest that such a role may be even larger than previously imagined . After all , we know that the primary reason spa-goers visit spas is to relieve stress . However , the nature and intensity of stress related to the pandemic may mean that , as spas return to full-scale operations , they need to carefully consider how their mental health had worsened . More than one-third best to share messaging about the benefits that spa ( 34 percent ) of essential workers have received treatment services may provide a beleaguered population . from a mental health professional since the pandemic
First and foremost , spa leaders must recognize that , no started . matter the individual public health policies of their state or
Gen Z adults ( aged 18 to 23 ) were the generation most local government , a great many people remain reticent likely to indicate that their mental health had worsened about resuming their normal behaviors . According to the compared with before the pandemic ( 46 percent ), though APA ’ s report , nearly half ( 49 percent ) of all Americans said Gen Xers ( 33 percent ) and Millenials ( 31 percent ) were not they feel uneasy about adjusting to in-person interaction far behind in that regard . Millenials are the generation most once the pandemic ends . Interestingly , that number was likely to have received treatment from a mental health professional ( 32 percent ). They were also the group most likely COVID-19 vaccine ( 48 percent ).
almost identical among those who had already received a
to have been diagnosed with a mental health disorder ( 23 Given that level of hesitancy , it stands to reason that spas percent ) since the pandemic began and the group that reported the highest amount of unwanted weight gained ( an guests even as policies about mask-wearing , physical
should continue to take steps to create peace of mind for
average of 41 pounds with a median gain of 20 pounds ). distancing or sanitation change or are lifted entirely by Meanwhile , Hispanic and Black people were most likely governing authorities . Spas that prioritize clear and
JUNE 2021 ■ PULSE 41