Goddess Health & Wellness Day Spa Scholarship Funds for Underprivileged Women
In addition to battling the COVID-19 pandemic along with the rest of the world , much of Australia also suffered through devastating bushfires in 2020 . These challenges led members of the Ausmumpreneur Women in Business Collective to come together and , as Goddess Health & Wellness Day Spa owner Louise Lugg puts it , “ put a positive and empowering message out to others to help them steer their ships through these turbulent times .”
That message took the form of Back Yourself , a book comprised of 27 chapters — each written by a different Australian businesswoman , Lugg included — filled with tips and advice on how to run a successful business . The book was a hit , reaching number one best seller status in four separate categories on Amazon . It was even included in “ swag bags ” at the 2021 Golden Globe Awards . “ The power of the book is in the real-life journeys and hardships that each woman has gone through to reach their own success ,” Lugg says . Best of all ? The proceeds went to an exceedingly worthy cause . “ Through sales of the book , we raised funds for a scholarship program to give underprivileged women a six-month start up or accelerator business course to help them start their own business .”
Pure Fiji Supporting Rural Communities in Times of Need
When Pure Fiji announced that it had created a line of hand sanitizers during the early days of the pandemic , there was no shortage of interest from groups that found themselves in short supply .“ We had many hospital and frontline staff request sanitizers , which we donated ,” says Co-Founder Gaetane Austin .“ The sanitizers were also sent out to villages that had suffered during Cyclone Harold , which occurred at the same time as our lockdown .”
In addition to sending hard-to-find hand sanitizer , Pure Fiji also provided food to those in need , books and computers to schoolchildren and supplies to those whose homes had been damaged or destroyed by the cyclone .“ We are proud that we are able to support our community during a time of need . Having the ability to give back and improve the lives of others makes us very proud ,” Co-Founder Andree Austin says . These efforts reveal the brand ’ s continued devotion to the people of the country from which it draws its name , and their gifts came at an especially challenging time for members of that community , as they dealt not only with the impact of the pandemic but that of devastating natural disasters as well .
JUNE 2021 ■ PULSE 51