ISPA HEADQUARTERS Proudly Serving ISPA and the ISPA Foundation
THIS MONTH WE ASKED : What trait do you find most admirable in others ?
Lynne McNees • President lynne . mcnees @ ispastaff . com • 1.859.226.4260 Patience ! Definitely patience — did I mention patience ?
Crystal Ducker • Vice President crystal . ducker @ ispastaff . com • 1.859.226.4427 I have great respect for those who can properly balance candor and empathy . Being able to share honest insights while thoughtfully considering how it impacts others is quite admirable in my book .
Josh Corman • Director of Education and Research josh . corman @ ispastaff . com • 1.859.226.4372 I ’ m always impressed by people who are patient — with themselves and others . It ’ s such a challenge to stay calm and unhurried in such a busy world !
Amy Finder • Graphic Designer amy . finder @ ispastaff . com • 1.859.963.1877 Authenticity . Shakespeare said it well : “... to thine ownself be true , / And it must follow , as the night the day , / Thou canst not then be false to any man .”
Nelson Lane • Marketing Manager nelson . lane @ ispastaff . com • 1.859.551.3906 I admire when someone has developed the discipline to be completely self-controlled through unexpected circumstances or in moments of adversity .
Samantha Smith • Project Manager samantha . smith @ ispastaff . com • 1.859.219.3619 Without question , I admire integrity in others . All of the meaningful relationships in my life have a strong layer of integrity at their core .
Marja Walker • Graphic Designer marja . walker @ ispastaff . com • 1.520.891.3439 Compassion . There is so much to admire in the people we know and spend time with , friend or family . With compassion comes understanding , empathy , forgiveness and respect — many qualities all in one trait .
Stacie Wallace • Membership Manager stacie . wallace @ ispastaff . com • 1.859.226.4292 I admire someone who is a great listener . There is a difference in dialogue when someone is listening to understand , rather than listening to respond .
Kirsten Wright • Member Experience Specialist kirsten . wright @ ispastaff . com • 1.859.226.4207 Thoughtfulness — I love when others remember miniscule details about someone and show they remember in a special way .
To be the leader in promoting and enhancing the well-being of the spa industry and the people it serves .
ISPA advances the spa industry by providing invaluable educational and networking opportunities , promoting the value of the spa experience and speaking as the authoritative voice to foster professionalism and growth .
JUNE 2021 ■ PULSE 63