P: What’s changed since then to make
express spas possible?
B: The growth of the spa industry as a whole. Back then,
people thought we were going to put a jacuzzi in the
airport. When we considered putting air Vita in Los
angeles, we had to meet with the LaPD vice squad
because they thought the wrong type of business was
going to go on. Spa wasn’t publicly accepted. People who
went to spas were in the minority.
But now, with the growth of day spas, the idea of
having that type of treatment is mainstream. it’s not elite
anymore; it’s a very mainstream part of our culture. So, i
think a combination of things has made airport spas
possible, but really the culture has evolved, because the
spa industry has educated people on the benefits of
massage, relaxation, wellness and eating well.
“[Spa is] about the full
wellness of the mind and
body, in whatever shape that
takes, whether that’s within
four walls, outdoors or on a
P: What’s changed with how airlines view
B: i think for the airline industry, they didn’t understand
the benefits at the time, and operating in an airport was
too expensive to do it alone. But the airlines have the
square footage to make it work, so for them to jump on
the bandwagon is great, because they have the space to
do it.
P: Do you expect to see wellness and fitness
grow in airports and airport lounges, rather
than just spa?
B: That’s the big question. The issue air Vita faced was
that people had to have enough time to get undressed,
shower, get dressed again, wash their hair or do makeup.
That requires a long layover, so i’m still on the fence as to
march 2019