frustrations and their fears, and help their people
recover as well from challenging circumstances.
l elevAte your energy: Did you know that you are a
cEo? By that i mean a chief Energy officer. your level
of negative or positive energy is transmittable to the
people you lead. common leaders believe that they
are immune from this principle and can do and act
however they want. rarE leaders understand that
they must first look inward, before looking outward, to
ensure that they are modeling the behaviors, habits
and mindsets that they want to see from the people
they lead.
as a spa manager or spa owner, you have the chance
to create an environment for your spa associates that will
refuel them, inspire them and motivate them to give
march 2019
their best every day! Dare to be rarE and put these four
habits into practice.
Let’s explore the first habit: rediscovering your
how to redIScover
Your relAtIonShIPS
in “Leadership and the new Science,” margaret Wheatley
states that “the ‘basic building blocks’ of life are relation-
ships.” That is no different for your spa. relationships
are the heart of your business, and engaging relation-
ships not only transform your spa’s social script, but also
improve your profitability and productivity. according a
2017 Gallup article by Jim harter and annamarie mann,
“happy and engaged employees outperform the compe-