Link Up on LinkedIn
FOR OVER A DECADE, Facebook thoroughly served the
needs of millions of users seeking valuable social and
professional connections. Though Facebook still holds a firm
grip on the digital presence of over 2.3 billion users, LinkedIn
has slid into the niche of the professional landscape and
firmly established itself as the essential platform for
professionals of all ages. As the growth of LinkedIn has
coincided with the emergence of social media-savvy Gen Z
into the workforce, the platform is widely viewed as some-
thing that must be tended to and polished in order to
optimize an adequate professional presence.
With this in mind, step up your LinkedIn game! Building
an attractive profile for your brand on LinkedIn will go a
long way in sparking the attention of inquisitive and
ambitious users.
efore the holidays,
Lawrence Biscontini
traveled back to the
Mediterranean to visit the
brand-new spa at the Four
Seasons Astir Palace Hotel
Athens. In this #ISPA Inter-
views, Lawrence walks through
the design and layout of the
new spa, providing a virtual
tour of the newest spa in the
Four Seasons portfolio.
Visit ISPA’s YouTube Channel
to watch the full video, as well
as all of Lawrence’s interviews
with spa professionals from
around the world.
MARCH 2020