BEING AN ENVIRONMENTALLY CONSCIOUS, sustainable or even regenerative business
isn’t optional anymore—it’s essential to compete for environmentally savvy spa-goers in a
crowded marketplace. This month, Noel Asmar of Noel Asmar Uniforms and the Hospital-
ity Lifecycle Initiative offers Pulse readers a few tips on going green, plus a fact you may
not have known about consumption during the holiday season.
1. Follow the (World) Leader
“Did you know that the United Nations has identified 17 Sustainable
Development Goals? As a company or a team, pick one goal per month
and discuss it with your team members to raise awareness around
sustainable initiatives that matter. You can see the list of goals at”
2. Conserve with Cold
“Washing your textiles with cold water on a quick cycle uses half the
energy of washing with warm water. While it’s not always possible to
wash with cold water, doing so will help conserve resources and lower
your water bill.”
3. Consider Concentrates
“The average cleaning spray is mostly made up of water, which is
environmentally and financially costly to bottle and transport. Try to
use concentrates for your cleaning supplies and keep them in
reusable bottles—it’s a more sustainable way to clean.” n
“Americans throw away 25 percent more rubbish between
Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day—an addition of approx-
imately 1 million tons per week. Fortunately, reducing that
number may not be as difficult as you think. If each con-
sumer wrapped just three holiday presents in reused
paper, we would collectively save enough paper waste to
cover about 45,000 soccer (football) pitches.”
HAVE A QUICK, EASY TIP FOR SPAS LOOKING TO GO GREEN? An outside-the-box idea for reducing waste? An environmen-
tal fact that you think Pulse readers should know? Share them with the Pulse editor at
MARCH 2020