“We saw a 29 percent increase in our revenue
year-over-year, and that’s really attributed to
our shoulder season.”
— TRACY HARPER, Director of Spa & Wellness, The Spa at Sun Valley
data to paint a vivid picture. “We saw a 29 percent increase
in our revenue year-over-year, and that’s really attributed to
our shoulder season,” states Harper. “We did 1,923 more
services during the shoulder season last year than the year building brand awareness. Social
media plays a huge role, compris-
ing both organic posts and tar-
geted ads on Facebook and
before.” Although the spa did offer a 40 percent discount, the
sheer volume of treatments more than made up for it—and
as any good spa director knows, once a customer has gone
to your spa once, it’s much easier to make them come back.
The increase in locals even helped the hotel’s bottom-line,
too: spa guests frequently bought food and drinks from the
hotel’s outdoor pool café.
A similarly detailed strategy was enacted by The Carillon
Hotel and Spa by Director of Marketing Roxana Medina. As a
relatively new wellness resort, Carillon’s main priority for
2019 and 2020 was—and still is—a multi-tiered approach to Instagram. “We do a variety of
different things; we don’t like to
put our eggs in one basket,”
says Medina. “An integrated
campaign is always the most
dynamic.” To that end, Carillon
amplifies its core marketing
with influencer marketing,
digital ads, email communi-
cations, local community
outreach and direct mail.
Sun Valley used the rack card pictured here to entice locals to the spa.
MARCH 2020