“Coming here, it’s
refreshing because
everyone wants to
help everyone else.
If businesses pull
together, we
make stronger
businesses for
everybody. That,
for me, is quite
— Jane Turner,
Spa Director, Fairmont
Sonoma Mission Inn & Spa
Partnerships can also foster a sense of
connection, as Miraval has with Ben’s Bells.
Marxer heard Maré speak at an
event, and he knew he had to incorpo-
rate her passion into Miraval. Instead of
simply sitting with the grief of losing a
child, Maré decided to turn her energy
into cultivating something to make the
world a better place. She is now one of
Miraval’s speakers.
“That relationship, it’s
wonderful for us,” Marxer
says. “Not only do we have the
opportunity for our guest to
learn about the initiative,
which aligns with our values,
but it also generates a sense
of connection to Tucson as a
whole. That provides a richness of ex-
perience for our guest. I think that’s
really something they seek.”
“You can go anywhere on vacation
and you’d like to have a distinct con-
nection with that place, not just sur-
rounding and scenery but the local
culture. Many of the things we bring
in are indicative of the Tucson vibe.
It’s intriguing to people who come
from other countries and other areas
of the world to touch something close
to this place. We all, to some level,
have interest in expanding our hori-
And for spas, the greatest way to
do that is to tap into local resources.
While it may seem like common
sense to work with other local busi-
nesses, that isn’t always the case, as
Turner discovered.
“I’m from the UK, and it isn’t done
as much there,” she says. “Coming
here, it’s refreshing because everyone
wants to help everyone else. If busi-
nesses pull together, we make
stronger businesses for everybody.
That, for me, is quite special.” n
MARCH 2020