WHEN IT COMES TO PROVIDING users with specific analytics into their page ’ s performance , LinkedIn stands out among today ’ s most popular social media channels . Setting up a Company Page allows for in-depth analysis of three categories : Visitors , Updates and Followers .
LinkedIn ’ s Visitor analytics report shows the number of views your page has received , both on mobile and desktop . Visitor demographics are also provided , including reports on visitor job function , location , industry , seniority and company size . This allows you to get the inside scoop on your LinkedIn audience in a quick and easy way so that you can tailor your updates to them .
Your Update analytics show you how many reactions , comments and shares have been gained by your updates ( or posts ). In this section , LinkedIn features a thorough and easy-to-understand engagement chart
that breaks down the total number of impressions and link clicks per update in case you ’ re in need of a report on how well a specific update performed among your audience .
Finally , LinkedIn ’ s Follower analytics utilize the same demographic data set metrics ( i . e . job function , location , industry , seniority and company size ) as the Visitor analytics . What sets Follower analytics apart is the “ Companies to track ” function , which shows you how your page is performing relative to comparable Company Pages that you may already be connected with .
Monitoring and learning from the analytics offered by your LinkedIn Company Page is the first step to optimizing your reach on the platform , allowing you to stay as connected as possible to your following on one of the world ’ s fastest-growing social media platforms . n
MARCH 2021 ■ PULSE 11