“The spa manager and I regularly visit massage
schools, cosmetology schools and job fairs in
Seattle and surrounding communities. We keep
in touch to develop relationships...we are always
— troy casEy, Lodging and Spa director,
Afterglow Spa at Roche Harbor Resort, San Juan Island, Washington
experience?” Casey questions. “A combi-
nation of both is the best recipe for us.”
The resort provides pre-season training
each year with their anchor, Kerstin
Florian, for body treatments and facials,
and retail training for receptionists.
“They have wonderful educators,”
Casey stated. “Our new and year-round
staff learn each year from the three-day
training which also serves as a bonding
experience for the new team.” n
afterglow spa's retail partners have done a fantastic job of continuously training their rotating staff.
sPa QuicK facts
spa open date: July 2007
touch to develop relationships with them;
we are always recruiting!”
Casey has also obtained a partnership
with CoolWorks.com, a staffing center
and website that markets to seasonal
workers. Casey told us that this has been
extremely successful in attracting and
gaining spa employees, and has also
helped recruiting efforts in their food and
beverage department.
developing an Existing Workforce
Even in seasonal situations, taking care to
develop an employee’s potential can go a
long way towards retention. Casey trusts
promoting from within where she sees fit,
and provides the necessary coaching and
training to keep her staff on their A-game.
“Three years ago, I promoted my full-
time receptionist to Spa Manager, right
after I was promoted from Spa Director to
Lodging and Spa Director,” says Casey. “I
continue to coach her and work with her
directly on a day-to-day basis.”
Admitting that both she and her now
spa manager didn’t exactly plan this as a
career choice, she claims it has been a
great opportunity and learning experience
for both of them. Last year, a similar
transition transpired where a seasonal
therapist came on board with Afterglow
Spa, and was promoted to a year-round
Lead Therapist, which she is now
receiving coaching and training from
Casey as well.
When recruiting, Casey asks herself,
“Is this a good fit for both of us?” By
asking open-ended questions, she
discovers the primary goal of the
employee. “Do they want to work and
make a lot of money in the season? Or are
they just looking for a new and rewarding
facilities/amenities: Facial suite, nail
salon, three massage rooms (one is
couples, hydrotherapy tub, locker
rooms with steam rooms, and a
relaxation lounge with beverage bar.
Percentage of guests (female vs.
male): 70% female vs. 30% male
Number of full-time spa staff: Six
(not including myself). That number
grows to 20 in the peak season.
Product lines used: Kerstin Florian,
Pure Fiji, La Bella donna, Moroccan
Most used marketing channel: Word
of mouth!
Website: rocheharbor.com/spa
facebook: afterglowsparh
instagram: @rocheharborresort
twitter: @rocheharbor
any other social media used: yelp
and TripAdvisor
March/April 2018