all aboard the dream Job Express!
How the Get Your Dream Job Campaign is Helping
Real Students on the Track to Success
The train is leaving the station, but the good new is, it is full of students who are on
their way to making their dreams come true. Thanks to the collaborative efforts of
ISPA, Beauty changes Lives and several more professional organizations in the spa,
beauty, health and wellness industries, the Get your dream Job campaign is on track to elevate
and celebrate careers in the beauty and wellness industries.
The campaign is about more than creating awareness around the incredible opportunities our
industry presents. It is also about giving real students the opportunity to follow their dreams.
The campaign has partnered with
American Association of cosmetology
Schools (AAcS) to help prospective
beauty and wellness students on the
track to their dreams. Through the program, students can receive a $500 grant toward their
tuition at a participating AAcS school.
The campaign and scholarships are exciting, but until you see them in action, you can’t under-
stand the tremendous effect they have on the students who truly need it. So, we caught up with
a few of the grant winners to see how close they are to their dream destination.
yvEttE boscH
dEstiNatioN: owner of own wellness spa
origiN: Bellus Academy, El cajon, california
“If you can’t stop thinking about
it, don’t stop working on it.”
This Michael Jordan quote sits center stage on Yvette Bosch’s
inspiration board, which keeps her motivated to constantly
work towards her dream. Michael Jordan, one of the greatest
and most inspirational basketball players of all time, knew a
thing or two about working for it. That’s one of the reasons
this quote rings so true to Bosch, a student at Bellus
Academy and the 2017 Murad Esthetics Scholarship Winner.
The Scholarship, which is awarded to students seeking
careers in beauty and spa, is a large part of the Get Your
March/April 2018
Dream Job campaign. Get Your
Dream Job is not only about
promoting the spa and beauty
industry, but also about encourage
students to choose careers that
empower and inspire them.
Following a job loss, Yvette resided
in a transitional living center where a yoga
class helped her realize that self-care is an integral part of a
healthy life. Now a certified yoga instructor teaching children
and seniors, Yvette aspires to help people look and feel better
as an esthetics professional. Winning the scholarship and
taking part in the campaign has allowed her the opportunity
to pave the way to finding her dream job in the spa industry.
We sat down with Bosch to find out what the schol-
arship winnings meant to her and what her future in the spa
world looks like.