high well-being are 59 percent less likely to look for a job with a different organization in the next 12 months . Those employees are also more likely to report “ excellent ” performance in their own work as well as their organizations . Today ’ s employees would rather have a job that nourishes their personal well-being instead of just contributing to the improvement of the bottom line . So ask yourself how are you nourishing your employees ?
People are just like cars : they can ’ t run on empty forever ! People need to be refueled . Your employees cannot give what they don ’ t have , so if you want them to be spreading joy , you need to make sure their joy tanks are overflowing . Here are some ways you can nourish and refuel your employees :
l Development Opportunities : When you invest in your employees through development opportunities you are ensuring that they never feel like they ’ ve reached a dead end . These opportunities will also let them know that you have an interest in helping them fulfill their potential and continue to grow . Growth doesn ’ t always need to mean being promoted , but rather that they are expanding their contribution to the team , the organization , their customers and to their own lives .
l Mental Health Breaks : Ensuring that people take time away from work , whether it ’ s a two-week vacation or a mid-day yoga break , is important . Even if people love their jobs , it is important to their well-being to enjoy regular breaks . Too much work often leads to stress and compromised health . Also , encourage employees to take minibreaks throughout the day . Studies have shown that we need breaks strategically between our work sessions in order to be as productive as possible . That means stepping away from the computer or taking a well-needed break off our feet . The length of the break isn ’ t as important as just unplugging and allowing our minds to relax .
l Relationship Building : Two of Gallup ’ s questions to determine the level of engagement an employee has are focused on relationships . It is important that leaders help create opportunities for social interactions and connections . It doesn ’ t mean everyone has to be best friends and hang out every weekend together , but showing kindness , empathy and respect to each other can go a long way . Do people feel like someone cares about them as a person at work ?
l Appreciation : This goes beyond just rewards and recognition . Do your employees feel validated and that their efforts are truly seen ? Are you appreciating them in a way that resonates with them and is meaningful to them ? Do not take it for granted that your employees know they are doing a good job . Go into work each day with an attitude of gratitude and seek to find the things that are going right , then point those things out . n
DAWN ’ S 5 QUICK TIPS To Immediately Boost Your Personal Joy Level
1 . Spend one minute meditating . Give your mind room to breathe and be .
2 . Write down three new things you are grateful for .
3 . Write down a joyful experience you have had in the last 24 hours .
4 . Perform an intentional act of kindness to someone .
5 . Read an inspiring and positive story or quote .
daWN KaisEr , Inspirational Speaker and Joy Refuler , encourages individuals to unleash the joy in their journeys . delivering more than 100 live events annually , dawn has become known for her inspirational ideas on leadership , joy , positive psychology , faith and much more . She delivers keynote speeches , seminars and virtual learning events using a heart-centered approach , engaging learning techniques and actionable content that energizes , encourages and equips individuals and organizations to flourish . dawn is a student of life and a teacher of living while also holding a Bachelor of Business and Master of Education . She is also a certified Human Resource Professional ( PHR ) and SHRM – cP .
March / April 2018 ■ PULSE 45