ork. It’s inevitable, back. At 16, I thought she was crazy!
right? We are I thought, “What are you doing,
encouraged from an woman? You only needed to stick it
early age to figure out for a few more months and
out the answer to an age-old question:
“what do you want to be when you grow
you would have had it all!”
Sixteen-year-old me didn’t
understand that dream jobs can
I went through a classic princess
become a living nightmare really
phase, then of course switched to wizards quick in a toxic environment. Andi
after I read (and reread) all the Harry slaved away, night and day, and for
Potter books. But when my Hogwarts what? A job she didn’t even like? A boss
letter didn’t come, I had to start getting who was the devil herself? What was the
serious about my future. point if she wasn’t happy?
It didn’t take long for me to figure out
Now that I’m older and (of course)
just physically. Dawn Kaiser, another
I had a love of reading and a knack for wiser, I understand Andi. I understand amazing ISPA Conference & Expo speaker
writing and storytelling. From then on, I that bosses should be mentors and teaches us about the importance of
did everything I could to hone my skill friends rather than tyrants. I understand happiness at work on page 42. Plus, you’ll
and find a path for myself in a world that that if you spend eight hours (or more) a meet some amazing and inspiring
would make sense to me. day in a place, it should be comfortable students on page 38 who are using the
and enjoyable. I also understand that you resources from our Get Your Dream Job
summer before my junior year of high can make your dreams come true without campaign to answer that age-old question
school. I already had a love of fashion, going through hell to get there. for themselves.
The Devil Wears Prada came out the
but watching the world of fashion
That’s why I loved putting together
Maybe it’s time for all of us to rethink
magazines brought to life by Meryl Streep, this issue. I got to read about and talk to the meaning of that question. Maybe it’s
I knew I’d found my calling. The designer people all over the spa industry (and even time we ask it again and see if we get a
clothes, the glamour, the competition. I outside of it) who love what they do and better answer. Do you want to be happy?
wanted it all. It was clearly a brutal are dedicated to helping everyone around Fulfilled? Engaged? Inspired? What do you
lifestyle—it changed Andi for the worse them love their jobs. On page 36, you’ll want to be when you grow up?
until finally she couldn’t take it anymore hear from Bryan Williams, who will show and **spoiler alert** threw her phone you the importance of engaging your into a fountain in Paris and never looked employees, so they show up mentally, not
folloW KElly
March/April 2018
—KElly HEitz, Editor