of peace and gratitude when you wake up the next day.
Meditating on a regular basis will bring you extreme clarity and
enhance your muscles of intuition.
P: Your 11th rule is to get outside your comfort zone. Why
is this necessary to creating big miracles and success for
G: The greatest obstacle to creating a big miracle is fear, yet fear
is our greatest teacher. It feels so good when you achieve an
outcome that seemed impossible. Most of the time people
won’t step outside of their comfort zone because they fear
rejection from others. I came up with the idea of a Miracle Box
to overcome fear. When you feel discomfort around being able
to manifest your big miracle, write it down and pop it in a
dedicated box. It could be simple or ornate. The idea is that it
acts as a mailbox to your Spirit.
P: The chapter on “Believing in Your Ability” is powerful.
Why do you think this is so hard for people?
G: People are hardwired with negative conditioning. They’ve
been told so many times they can’t or shouldn’t, that they
don’t even try and if they do try, it is short-lived. Some people
have an inner critic that is highly vocal, and others have a
draining thought-process that is so subtle, it’s hard to
recognize the difference between fear as a warning sign that
could avert pain, heartache or danger and someone else’s
naysayer attitude that holds them back from their ability to
The Mindful Minute
Having trouble meditating? Joanna suggests even one
“mindful minute” every day can help.
Close your eyes. Place your hand over your heart and
take a deep inhale, hold for a moment and then exhale.
Observe your thoughts. Allow yourself to feel. This will
bring you to a state of more awareness. Someone
typically has trouble meditating because they are
scared to feel the depth of their emotions. They fear
they may lose control yet the suppressed energy is
interfering with their natural intuition. Purely focusing
on inhaling and exhaling brings clarity to your relation-
ships and circumstances. A “mindful minute” is an
opportunity to center in your heart and get attuned to
what is most important to you.
P: Your book helps readers tackle everything—from self-
confidence to finances. Why do all these categories add
up to ultimate success?
G: Everyone has their own personal definition of ultimate
success. It’s vital that each person gives themselves permission
to feel great about the big miracles they want to create. No
dream is too big or small. I’ve noticed that people get uncom-
fortable sharing their vision of ultimate success because they
fear judgment and rejection. Ultimate success is relative. For
one person, it may be running a multi-million dollar company
and winning awards, for another it may be getting married and
building a dream home. Ultimate success is when you feel
happy, grateful and peaceful in all areas of your life. n
Garzilli’s 5 Quick Tips
for Immediate Success
1. Review what’s working and what isn’t working in your
life today. This helps you get present to reality. It
filters out the negativity of others and puts a
spotlight on your strengths and the good things that
are happening for you.
2. Commit to one action daily that supports your big
miracle goal. It doesn’t have to be work-related. It
could be getting a reflexology treatment, taking a
nap, researching a conference or making a family
3. Ask yourself: what am I resisting? Why? This will
remove the feeling of overwhelm and will help you
gain perspective of your circumstances.
4. Set a spiritual intention. It means you’re serious
about creating a big miracle breakthrough. You do
this by thinking about what you truly want for your
relationships, career, finances, or health.
5. We all make mistakes, it’s one of the ways we grow
and it’s imperative we forgive ourselves to allow
success in. Write a mistakes inventory to clear stuck
mental energy.
CLICK HERE to Downlo ad Garzilli’s 11
Spiritual Rules for Ultimate Success
May 2017